I Am Time
21/05/2020 9:30nts. During this journey, he discovers different ambiances and landscapes, gradually facing the mystery of time and trying to touch the enigmatic moments of life.

The Reboot
24/07/2024 13.20min��Reboot’, was made on the internal emotional conflicts between his immigrant ship and coming back to his own land. This emotional reality of immigrants is portrayed here through the self-assertion of Mehedi.

Prem Puran
27/09/2024 35 Minuteseaving behind just a short note with her new address. Shimul, after a long time, could manage to find Shanu out in a corner of an old township with cue of that note wherein he invents a new proletarian Shanu Wherein Shanu and Tajul are giving their everything, every breath and working really hard to run the family in a conscientious way. We cannot see those struggling breath with bare eyes. We, probably, can elucidate these struggling breaths as precious love of life. The name of the prehistoric story of this breath is “Myth of Love”.

09/09/2024 5mints of Bombay. End of the day, she can′t help but face the danger of night street as she wants to go back home. Maybe everything happens in her mind.

I Am Time
21/05/2020 9:30nts. During this journey, he discovers different ambiances and landscapes, gradually facing the mystery of time and trying to touch the enigmatic moments of life.

The Reboot
24/07/2024 13.20min��Reboot’, was made on the internal emotional conflicts between his immigrant ship and coming back to his own land. This emotional reality of immigrants is portrayed here through the self-assertion of Mehedi.

Prem Puran
27/09/2024 35 Minuteseaving behind just a short note with her new address. Shimul, after a long time, could manage to find Shanu out in a corner of an old township with cue of that note wherein he invents a new proletarian Shanu Wherein Shanu and Tajul are giving their everything, every breath and working really hard to run the family in a conscientious way. We cannot see those struggling breath with bare eyes. We, probably, can elucidate these struggling breaths as precious love of life. The name of the prehistoric story of this breath is “Myth of Love”.

09/09/2024 5mints of Bombay. End of the day, she can′t help but face the danger of night street as she wants to go back home. Maybe everything happens in her mind.

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